Step sequence: Levels and Goes


Number of features for levels: 1 for Level 1, 2 for Level 2, 3 for level 3, 4 for level 4
-Simple variety (level 2), variety (level 3) complexity (level 4) of turns and step throughout (this is a compulsory feature)
-Rotations is either direction with full body rotation covering at least 1/3 of the pattern in total for each rotational direction
-Use of upper body movements for at least 1/3 of the pattern
-Two different combinations of 3 difficult turns (rockers, counters, brackets, twizzles,
loops) quickly executed within the sequence

At least half a pattern on one foot is no longer a Level feature

Types of turns (executed on one foot) : three turns, twizzles, brackets, loops, counters, rockers
Types of steps (executed on one foot whenever possible) : toe steps, chasses, mohawks, choctaws, curves with change of edge, cross-rolls, running steps

Simple variety must include at least 7 turns & 4 steps, none of the types can be counted more than twice.

Variety must include at least 9 turns and 4 steps, none of the types can be counted more than twice.
Complexity must include at least 5 different types of turns and 3 different types of steps all
executed at least once in both directions.
Use of upper body movements means the visible use for a combined total of at least 1/3 (instead of 1/2) of the pattern of the step sequence any movements of the arms, head and torso that have an effect on the balance of the main body core.
Two combinations of difficult turns are considered to be the same if they consist of the same turns done in the same order, on the same edge and on the same foot.


-Simple variety(Level 2), variety(Levels 3–4) of turns and steps of both partners throughout (compulsory)
-Rotations (turns, steps) in either direction (left and right) with full body rotation covering at least 1/3 of
the pattern in total for each rotational direction)
-Use of upper body movements for at least 1/3 of the pattern
-Changes of pos. (crossing at least three times while doing steps and turns) for at least 1/3 of the
sequence, but not more than 1/2 of the sequence
- Not separating at least half of the pattern (changes of holds are allowed)


To establish the starting GOE Judges must take into consideration the bullets for each element. It is at the discretion of each Judge to decide on the number of bullets for any upgrade, but general recommendations are as follows:
FOR + 1 : 2 bullets           FOR + 2 : 4 bullets            FOR + 3 : 6 or more bullets

-good energy and execution
-good speed or acceleration during sequence
-good clarity and precision
-deep clean edges (including entry and exit of all turns)
-good control and commitment of whole body to accuracy of steps
-creativity and originality
-effortless throughout
-element matched to the musical structure


-good energy and execution
-good speed or acceleration during sequence
-good clarity and precision
-deep clean edges (including entry and exit
of all turns)
-good control and commitment of whole body
to accuracy of steps
-creativity and originality
-good unison
-element matched to the musical structure

Errors for which final GOE must be in the minuses

-Fall   -3
-Incorrect pattern (too small)   -1 to -2
-Less than half of the pattern doing steps/turns   -2 to -3
-Poor quality of steps, turns, positions   -1 to -3
-Stumble  -1 to -2
-Does not correspond to the music  -1 to -2
-SP: Listed jumps with more than half rev. included  -1


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